Thursday, April 21, 2016


Laurynns joseph

A great way for a personal trainer to make a living on  the side is by marketing. Have you ever thought how marketing can help you by getting yourself out there. There are many ways you can set yourself a business when you a personal trainer such as making business cards, writing and selling books, making videos for clients to learn on how to exercise, writing blogs and even could make your own websites. It may sound a lot and might be difficult because you don’t know where to start but you don't always have to work on your own. By working with a partner, it makes everything else easy and will gain more ideas from your other partners.
     It is important for a  personal trainer to always have a business card. A business card always gives clients good first impression. In order to grab our clients attention, we must present them a business card to insure them we as a personal trainer are one of the best. Nobody wants to feel fraud or their time being wasted on you. By giving your clients the best customer service is very important because you want to gain customers and not loose them.
We want to help our customer every way we can. When we give our clients business cards, not only it it makes it easier for them to contact us but also they refer that business card to their friends or family members. Once your clients are sharing your business cards with others, your business only grows more and more.
Another way you can grow your business is by writing books and selling it. It is not easy being a writer but if you strongly passionate about writing, writing books will be an excellent idea. A go way to increase your writing is by reading other author's book, write a lot of journal and expending your vocabs. Once you start writing books and selling them, it will be a success. Readers that are curious how to exercise and nutrients to absorb in their body will be delighted to by the books.

If writing books never worked out for you, there's always other options such as writing blogs. Blogs does not have to do anything like a book except with words, opinions and to impress others by extending your vocabs. Writing blogs will help your readers by understanding how a daily routine can have a positive effect on them. Once your blogs get very popular, you could make a business out of that by getting your clients to schedule an appointment with you and having an hour workout. The more people are convinced how of a good personal trainer you are, there is no doubt they would not want to work with you.


Making videos are often used a lot by professional trainers to sell them. Renegade fitness marketing stated “You’re about to discover how to take your fitness knowledge and turn it into an online info product that actually makes you money, even while you slee In this step-by-step program, you’re going to learn everything you need to know to go from idea to actually selling your fitness info product to the masses in only 60 days”.  This website is showing how to get people’s attention to buy their workout videos. By getting people’s intention to buy the videos, your business will only extend.

Marketing as a profesional trainer is an easy way to make your job fun and by receiving money on the side.  There is nothing wrong by switching ways to make a living everyday. Your business grow much more by helping your readers, viewers and clients getting better shape by not always taking much of their time.


"22 Fitness Marketing Power Points." Cancer Info Net. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

"Personal Training Tools & Marketing - Renegade Fitness Marketing." Renegade Fitness
Marketing. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

"The Training Edge The Latest for Fitness Professionals." Smart Marketing Strategies for Personal Trainers. Web. 20 Apr. 2016.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Club Therapy

Laurynns joseph
Group therapy

Sometimes majority of people eat whatever suits their eyes but other times there are some of are unable to control their diet. We must learn how to stop making poor decisions and learn how to train our body to eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. By taking good care of our body; our body will garantee us that itwill never die on us with diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

People eat junk food none-stop without thinking of the consequences. I dare somebody to question somebody: When was the last time you ate vegetables? They wouldn't even know where to start to answer that questions. By balancing your vegetables, fruits and meals everyday is very important for your body. Your body is a machine that must be recharged every couple of hours of the day. What happens if your phone won't charge? The battery gets lower and lower even when it's using power saving modes. Our body is like a phone, if we don't charge it well enough, we will die.

You should never approach someone with unhealthy food consumers negatively. By approaching them negatively will only turn yourself as an enemy. Someone who consumes many junk food knows it is wrong and the last thing they are willing to hear is someone to tell them to the truth. You might even turn yourself into an enemy if you approach the situation the wrong way. You mustn't support them with their behaviors either if you really care about their health. Being aware of the consequences of consuming only unhealthy food is very important, by being aware yo are saving someone’s life by helping them to eat healthier.

The purpose of joining my class helps you understand the materials and purpose about food. If you made some poor choices in the past about your diet, this is class is one step forward to fix your mistakes.

This class contains many group activities, participations, and lectures. By engaging in these activities, it mentally teaches you how to take better care of yourself. This class also teaches your not the only one that is going through something. You will be amaze about other people's poor decisions also.


By bringing everybody together, it helps and courage one another to be mentally stronger. The American Psychological association believes “Groups can act as a support network and a sounding board. Other members of the group often help you come up with specific ideas for improving a difficult situation or life challenge, and hold you accountable along the way”. By bringing everybody together, it helps because we listen to each other’s advices. In the group activities, it helps by putting everybody on a team and come up with solutions. By opening up to everybody it will be the first step for someone to change their bad habits.

Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

"The Elements of Good Therapy." Good Therapy. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

Athletic trainer

Laurynns joseph
Athletic coach

There are many kids who are dedicated to sports and would love to turn their favorite sports into a successful career. Some kids turn their passion into their career but others fail because they don't believe in themselves as much as they should. I believe there should be at least one person to be there for them, to personally work with them as their mentor. As an exercise science major, I want to guide children that want to turn sports into their carrier. I want  to train kids and teenagers on how to keep pushing themselves and becoming stronger. By being your own personal trainer, you will not have to worry about other children needing my attention on your own training time.    

Kids don't believe in themselves because they believe they don't have the skills in order to become as an NBA player or a football player. By living everyday with the fact playing sports is a carrier is very high too not get in, kids tend to drop their dream and going to the medical field. Any other reasons are also majority of parents are not as supportive either. Kids grow up their whole life most likely to content their parents. Even when they make their parents happy, majority of the times the parents still wants to control their child's future. Parents fear their child won't become successful by doing sports and others believe only way you will be successful is by being in the medical field and working in the law field.

The international coach federation believes “the hypothesis is that life coaching will indeed improve a client’s ability to reach his or her goals and be successful, thus having greater life satisfaction. This is likely because when someone seeks out help and is actively engaged in identifying goals and working with someone to achieve them, the chances increase that he will be successful”. If a person can do anything if they set their mind into it, they just have to work two times harder in order to achieve that goals. By training two times harder like they usually do not only it will make it but will always leaned how to always be positive.


My goal as a personal athletic trainer is to get my client stronger and faster. I want my client to believe in themselves they can do it. I always want them to repeat “If brad pitt made it, then they can make it, if michael jordan was the best then i can up there with him too.” I want to not only physically train them but also mentally. They can't make it when they are surrounded with negativity all the times, they must have someone to encourage them. The brain is a powerful tools in our body and it controls everything we do. By hearing positive thoughts everyday, it gives that person hope that they are not alone and will keep pushing further tpon make their coach and themselves proud.

"Article: The Effectiveness of Life Coaching on Overall Life Satisfaction." ICF Wisconsin. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

"The Importance of Coaches & Coaching." TrueSport. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Exercise Store equipments

Exercise Store equipments

How many times have you told yourself, you will get up and go to gym? An how many times do you actually get up to go to the gym? It is not easy always being busy and trying to go to the gym. Are you tired of feeling overweight and not having the time to go to the gym? Well i have a solution for you, why don't you bring the gym to you!

I used to get so sick of paying for my monthly bill for the gym when i hardly had time to go. I knew i had to make a decision to stop paying for my membership. I could not bare to stand the idea of not exercising at all until i decided buying my own equipments to workout in my own house. Having my own gym in my house was the best decision i ever did for my family and I. We feel so much healthier and happier being able to access our gym anytime we want.


I also started this business by selling exercise equipments because many people feel very uncomfortable working out in the gym with strangers. They feel other people are well body shaped will judge them for their weights or how they exercise. I guarantee, my store will sell you high quality equipments to set up at home.

Not only you will save a lot of money every month but also don't have to push yourself too hard to go to the gym 5 times a week. The american home fitness believes  “The cost of gym memberships, especially for an entire family, can easily add up over time. With home exercise equipment you can make one investment into your health that will last you a lifetime.” Why make life harder when you can make everything easier!

I sell many different types of machines and exercise equipments in my store. I can help you get all the equipments you need depends on the types of workout you want to perform. If you are interested in working on your abs, we sell ab well. The purpose of the ab well  is to lay flat as you roll in and out by working out your abdominal. If you are interested in working on working on your legs, the trade mail machines would be perfect. By running Minutes every 5 times a week is a great way to work out. With upper body weight, The Business insider also stated  “Dumbbells are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment, this is a great feature that allows you to vary your workouts and continue to challenge yourself as you get stronger.” I believe my equipments can make a difference in your life to workout.


The goal of having my exercise equipment store to is to help others purchasing machines to exercise at home. I want my clients to understand how it’s  so much more easier to exercise at home then paying every month for the gym. Especially if you do not feel comfortable working out and sharing machines with others. It's always best having your own equipments and having easy access to it.

Get Yourself in Gear with Home Exercise Equipment - Exercise Equipment Blog - Treadmill Michigan, Elliptical, Kettlebells - American Home Fitness. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from

Lauletta, T. (2016). The best home-gym equipment for every type of workout. Retrieved March 21, 2016, from

My health awareness

                            My health awareness

Majority of the times kids or adults feel healthy but in reality they are not.They believe if they are not resting in the hospital they are in perfect health condition. What is your opinion, do you think you're healthy?    

Why should you take nutrient classes? By taking a nutrient class it helps you understand all the food that your body needs to survive for a long period of time. We could be consuming hamburgers, pizza or fry food everyday but all we would receive is negative results from our body. Everybody wants to live a long healthy life but nobody wants to eat healthy. There is nothing wrong with eating junk food once a while as long as we balance our nutrients.

As an athletic trainer, i decided teaching kids and adult my own nutrient class named Health awareness. My morning classes in the weekend will be held for children and classes in the afternoon will be for the adults.this class will teach everybody what kind of food we need to consume and how we can use this knowledge.

My health awareness class also helps my students on how to lose weight by eating healthy. It sounds boring and unrealistic until you start putting all the knowledge you gain in my class into a test. From the study nutrition program, they believe “The needs of the human body change throughout its life-cycle- a child and an adult need carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in varying amounts. With nearly 60 percent of American adults classified as obese or overweight, this class positions its students to help clients set and achieve healthy weight loss goals.” By rejecting all the fry foods you use to eat and replace it with proteins and carbs, your body will have a big amount of difference.

The advantages of taking my health awareness class are being able to learn how to avoid getting sick from unhealthy food. Majority of people don't ever realize what kind of food they are putting in their body. We must learn how to read labels from food cans and boxes. It's important to feel comfortable with asking the waiter about the food you are eating. It is important learning how tot take care better care of your body, by not eating healthy can cause you having cardiovascular disease (heart attack).

Nutrients play a important role in life especially how our brains develop. In order to feel good and full of energy we must eat healthy meal everyday. It affects the way we think, act and feel. From the NCHPAD program, Psychiatric Nutrition Therapy states eating healthy food will benefit us; “Food and the chemicals in our brains interact to keep us going throughout the day. It is important to eat a variety of healthy foods, as they have different effects on our brains.”

The goal of my health awareness class is to make my clients realize of the substances in their body. I recommend athletes taking my classes to help them achieve their long term goals; how to get stronger and healthier while playing sports. Many athletes believe taking steroids or other drugs will help them accomplish by winning but they do not realize the aftermath of taking drugs.

Food and Your Mood: Nutrition and Mental Health : NCHPAD - Building Inclusive Communities. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2016, from

Mini-Kids Boot Camp

Mini-Kids Boot Camp

Are your children sitting in the couch watching TV and doing nothing? Don't you ever get sick telling telling them to stop making mess in the house, to clean after themselves or go play outside? Well this it the perfect timing because i have a solution for you. Grab your children and come visit my Mini-kids boot camp every summer break and keep your children busy for a while. This boot camp is for children ages from 6 to 15 years old. It is a great opportunity for not only you but also your children. As your children is having fun, meeting new kids and exercising; you as a parent or guardian can have all the time to yourself.

Your children would never feel left out because of the age groups. In the Mini-Kids Boot Camp, there will be three groups. The first group, “The Beginners”  will be children from 6 to 8 years old, The second group, “The middle team” will be from 9 to 12 years old and the third group, “the seniors” will be from 13 to 15 years old.

Mini-Kids boot camp welcomes all young individual children with disabilities  which brings every kids together. The idea of combining children with disabilities and other children together may feel a challenge for parents and children; this boot camp can assure you every kids will not only have fun but also everybody will treated with respect. From the Camps for kids with special needs program,  our camps also agree with “When it comes to camps, kids with special needs have as many choices as other kids. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires all camps to make reasonable accommodations (such as the installation of wheelchair-accessible ramps) so that kids with special needs can attend.” The Mini-Kids boot camp bring all children together to meet one another.

A typical day consists of breakfast, works out, lunch, naps, activities and they are welcome to dorm in the camp with the approval of the parents or guardian. The Mini-Kids Boot Camp will be serving your children healthy food everyday. Breakfast will be available from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, lunch will start from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and dinner will be from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. For breakfast, there will be eggs, milk, sandwiches, cereal, apple juice, pancakes, muffin, fruits and so much more. For lunch we also serve veggie sandwiches, tuna wraps, grilled cheese with tomato and turkey, Caesar salmon wrap, etc. For Dinner we served soups, pasta with meatballs, mashed potatoes, chicken and so on. There will be different types of workouts for each groups that will be giving everyday. The beginners will always have easiest workouts compare to the Seniors.

There will be different types of workouts for each groups that will be giving everyday. The beginners will always have easiest workouts compare to the Seniors. The beginners will learn how to exercise with balloons. They will be running while holding it, doing sit ups and jumping jacks. Breaks must be giving every 25 minutes of workouts; we do not want 6 to 8 years old work themselves to much. The middle team will be doing push ups, sit ups, swimming, squats, jumping ropes, etc. The seniors will be running around a track field, they will be competing against another, suicide running, play sports like basketball, baseball, soccer. they will also participate in other activities such as rock climbing, walking and exploring nature.

The idea of this camp is to get your children exercising in an early age to be healthy. By attending this camp, your child can have a positive attitude everyday by getting the chance to be active with their own peers. They will learn how to make more friends who may be struggling with the same problem as they are. By feeding them healthy food, this camp will teach them how to be aware of how unhealthy food could harm their bodies. From the Fly Movement program, they believe by “provides students an opportunity to reach a fitness goal through fun, rewarding team competition using fitness trackers. As a result, they learn how to develop goal setting habits, their fitness activity increases, and they establish a positive feeling towards physical activity.” Our Mini-Kids camps also believes the same goals for the children. They not only will feel confident of themselves but they will learn how to stay healthy.

Camps for Kids With Special Needs. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2016, from
Fly Movement. (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2016, from